Confessions of a bookstagrammer

Back with another #bookstagram themed blog for you all today. This time I am talking about confessions. 

Whilst I have dubbed these confessions I think a more accurate description would be characteristics of a bookstagrammer. Confession has a lot of negative connotations; it implies shame or embarrassment. And honestly, I don’t feel that there is room for either of those emotions when it comes to reading. 

This blog is not about asking you all to listen to, and then forgive, my bookish transgressions. Rather they are secrets revealed, and hopefully shared, with my fellow book lovers. 

First up I have been known to purchase books purely because I have seen them all over the gram. Not so bad? I’ll admit that I have bought said books without reading their synopses. 

Is it just the hype? Perhaps. I know when I first started on bookstagram I felt very much like I wanted to fit in, and one way of doing that was reading those books I saw popping up all over the place. 

As I have found my feet I found myself returning to those genres and books I have always enjoyed (and I hope those who follow me have appreciated this). 

I have, on many occasions, purchased a book purely for its cover. Surely every bookworm has done this at some point? As a lover of historical fiction I’m usually spoilt for beautiful book covers and usually the story within matches up.

This next confession is one I am sure I share with many a book obsessive. I own multiple copies of the same book. This usually happens with classics (hello clothbound editions). I cannot even tell you how many copies I have of Jane Eyre I have – only that it is well into double figures.

And before you ask, no they don’t have different words in them, and no the ending doesn’t change. 

Prior to starting blogging I owned very few hardbacks. I much preferred reading paperbacks and could usually wait for a new release. Now I have been known to buy them purely for their aesthetics. If you follow me you’ll know that I love a sprayed eded and some gold foil. 

The other reason I have a lot more hardbacks? The hype I see online makes me a lot more impatient. 

All that being said I purchase hardbacks and then fail to read them before the paperback version is released. Though I have no regrets as the hardbacks usually look gorgeous on my bookcases. 

And whilst we are on the topic of failing to read books which I have purchased I now have a to be read pile, shelf and cart which is creeping closer to triple figures. And yet I continue to buy books! This leads to my final bookish fault, I then find myself prioritising these new reads rather than those books which have been waiting on my TBR. 

So my fellow blog bloggers, bookstagrammers and book lovers do you have any confessions you want to share? Pop them in the comments below.

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