Anne Brontë: The Forgotten Sister and Firebrand Feminist

Anne Brontë: The Forgotten Sister and Firebrand Feminist

If you’ve spent any time on my blog or over on my instagram (link) you’ll know that I am a huge fan of the Brontë sisters. And whilst Charlotte, or more specifically her characters, have captured my heart I adore all the works produced by these singularly brilliant women writers.  One thing that has fascinated [...]

The Pull of the Stars: An Account of the 1918 Flu Which Feels Eerily and Uncannily Familiar

The Pull of the Stars: An Account of the 1918 Flu Which Feels Eerily and Uncannily Familiar

2020 has been a year shaped by a global pandemic, which has unsurprisingly in turn shaped my own reading, but something else has also happened. I seem to have read a startling number of books which feature or make reference to global pandemics. Of course the writers of these novels could have had no idea [...]

The Binding: The Perfect Marriage of Magical Realism and Historical Fiction

The Binding: The Perfect Marriage of Magical Realism and Historical Fiction

Spellbound - it’s one of those cliche things you say about books isn’t it - “Reading this left me spellbound” or “It’s a spellbinding read.” It works because as readers we understand what is meant, that this book drew you in, cast you under its magic and left you feeling bereft and lost without the [...]