Anne Brontë: The Forgotten Sister and Firebrand Feminist

Anne Brontë: The Forgotten Sister and Firebrand Feminist

If you’ve spent any time on my blog or over on my instagram (link) you’ll know that I am a huge fan of the Brontë sisters. And whilst Charlotte, or more specifically her characters, have captured my heart I adore all the works produced by these singularly brilliant women writers.  One thing that has fascinated [...]

The Pull of the Stars: An Account of the 1918 Flu Which Feels Eerily and Uncannily Familiar

The Pull of the Stars: An Account of the 1918 Flu Which Feels Eerily and Uncannily Familiar

2020 has been a year shaped by a global pandemic, which has unsurprisingly in turn shaped my own reading, but something else has also happened. I seem to have read a startling number of books which feature or make reference to global pandemics. Of course the writers of these novels could have had no idea [...]